inform 6.33 - 6.12.1 package for Unix
(too old to reply)
David Griffith
2016-06-08 09:19:54 UTC
I just uploaded inform-6.33-6.12.1.tar.gz to the IF Archive. It should
appear in its usual place in a few days. This release has been
overhauled to remove Autoconf/Automake stuff which really didn't do
anything useful. This is the first production release of Inform6 in a
long time. Enjoy!

This release includes version 6.12.1 of the Inform Library, which is a
bugfix update of 6/12 (aka 6.12.0). The 6.12.x series fixes a lot of
longstanding bugs in the old 6/11 library and adds two fun new ways of
storytelling. Ordinarily, interactive fiction unfolds as in the present
tense with a second-person narrative voice. Now you can use first
person or third person narrative voices. You can also present the story
in past tense if you wish. All of these options can be changed whenever
you like within the story.
David Griffith
***@acm.org <--- Put my last name where it belongs
Richard Bos
2016-06-10 15:08:23 UTC
Post by David Griffith
I just uploaded inform-6.33-6.12.1.tar.gz to the IF Archive. It should
appear in its usual place in a few days. This release has been
overhauled to remove Autoconf/Automake stuff which really didn't do
anything useful. This is the first production release of Inform6 in a
long time. Enjoy!
Wait... does that mean that development on Inform 6 is going on? Why did
I not know about this great news? Was it announced here at all, and did
I just miss it? I note that there is also an executable for Windows - I
must try this forthwith! Many thanks to everybody who has made this
possible, from an old curmudgeon who does _not_ like Inform 7!

Hannes Schüller
2016-06-10 18:14:15 UTC
Post by Richard Bos
Post by David Griffith
I just uploaded inform-6.33-6.12.1.tar.gz to the IF Archive. It
should appear in its usual place in a few days. This release has
been overhauled to remove Autoconf/Automake stuff which really
didn't do anything useful. This is the first production release of
Inform6 in a long time. Enjoy!
Wait... does that mean that development on Inform 6 is going on? Why
did I not know about this great news? Was it announced here at all,
and did I just miss it? I note that there is also an executable for
Windows - I must try this forthwith! Many thanks to everybody who has
made this possible, from an old curmudgeon who does _not_ like Inform
Well, Inform 7 is pretty much unusable for anything other than English,
so Inform 6 remains /the/ choice for all those smaller non-English
communities. Thanks a lot from me as well!

David Griffith
2016-06-11 10:01:02 UTC
Post by Richard Bos
Post by David Griffith
I just uploaded inform-6.33-6.12.1.tar.gz to the IF Archive. It should
appear in its usual place in a few days. This release has been
overhauled to remove Autoconf/Automake stuff which really didn't do
anything useful. This is the first production release of Inform6 in a
long time. Enjoy!
Wait... does that mean that development on Inform 6 is going on? Why did
I not know about this great news? Was it announced here at all, and did
I just miss it? I note that there is also an executable for Windows - I
must try this forthwith! Many thanks to everybody who has made this
possible, from an old curmudgeon who does _not_ like Inform 7!
Yes, development is still going on. I don't like Inform 7 either.
That's why I picked up maintainership of the Library and the Unix
compiler/library package.
David Griffith
***@acm.org <--- Put my last name where it belongs
John Menichelli
2016-07-16 20:34:48 UTC
The Inform 6 Win32 executable on the IF Archive is dated 10 May 2014. Does that version incorporate the latest changes or does the 6.12.1 release include updates to the compiler as well as the library?